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Sign Up Here to Register for Mind Jump

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Student Information

Mind Jump Registration Details

Mind Jump Agreement Requirements

  1. The payment of all summer tuition amounts when due is a precondition to any obligation of the School to provide educational instruction to the Student. Tuition for the Mind Jump Summer Program is two thousand eight hundred seventy-five dollars ($2,875).
  2. Any Evaluation Fee paid on behalf of the Student is in addition to tuition and will not be credited to the amount of tuition due for the Student. The Evaluation Fee is non-refundable.
  3. The undersigned accept as unconditional, their obligation to pay the tuition for the full Mind Jump summer program. In the case of absence, withdrawal, or dismissal of the Student after May 2, Mind Jump tuition is non-refundable.
  4. The undersigned agree to accept the rules and regulations of the School. The School reserves the right to discipline or dismiss the Student when, in the sole opinion of the Administration, the School's or the Student's best interest lies in the disciplinary action or the dismissal. Additionally, the School reserves the right to suspend or dismiss the Student if the Student's conduct is in violation of the School's code of conduct.
  5. Use of Student Likeness: Unless Parents provide written notice otherwise to the Head of School, Parents give the School permission to use the following, without restriction or compensation, in the School’s publications, on the School’s website or social media sites and for outside print, television, web publications, and media coverage related to the School: (i) Student’s name; (ii) digital, photographic, video, and audio recordings or images or likenesses of the Student; and (iii) statements, articles, music, art, films and videos created by Student, or including the Student or the Student’s image or likeness, or otherwise originating from the School or from a School-related activity. This authorization survives the term of this Agreement and serves as authority to use these materials both during and after the Student’s enrollment at the School.
Price: $2,875.00

Total Due

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